We are a global company with operations in San Francisco, Kentucky, Hong Kong and China selling a broad assortment of products sourced factory-direct from suppliers in China. China is now the 'world's factory' and most goods you purchase from major brands today are actually made there. We try to identify factories and suppliers that work with top quality brands and can meet their quality standards, and provide those factories with the opportunity to sell their manufactures directly to customers in the USA. Everything you get from Unique Bargains is factory-direct from high quality suppliers in China and priced accordingly. We have some of the lowest prices on the internet because we get the items direct from the factory. Why not steal a factory-direct deal from China today? We are also the US distributor of the Allegra K brand of fast, affordable fashion clothing, shoes and accessories. Purchase authentic Allegra K items here and prepare to experience the latest in affordable chic.
We offer FREE standard shipping on all items. Items will be shipped within 2 business days of receipt of the order. Orders typically take 1-2 weeks to arrive.
Extended holiday returns
All items purchased online from November 15 through January 5 are returnable until February 5.
Before returning items by mail, these conditions must be met:
Items were purchased online and shipped to you within Canada.
Purchased within 30 days.
Must be unworn, unwashed, unaltered with the price ticket(s) still attached.
Please contact us for a return authorization and return instructions before returning the item.